Join us and change the face of medicine
About US
We envision healthcare to be preventive.
Becoming proactive gives us the chance to live longer and healthier lives preventing diseases from developing. Innovative wellness technologies empower patients to become proactive in their life; empower medical professionals to do their job being supported by advanced technologies
Join us and change the face of medicine
We will help you become Owner of a innovative wellness expert.
If you like what you see of us and want to do what we do, we will train you and equip you. Contact us and lets discuss. Do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome you to be a Innovative Wellness Advocate.
Our mission is to go beyond the mainstream approach of incremental changes and to take a universal quantum leap; our strategy is unifying, entanglement, fractology, customized care. We aim here to present those modalities and devices that have demonstrated real benefits and modern scientific technologies worldwide for unparalleled results.
There is no miracle pill, nor a miracle tool to heal you, and the diseases which did slide into your life over the years cannot be reversed within days or weeks. Your permanent education and understanding of your body’s own healing power and that diseases are always a body defense mechanism that will send you on the right pathways of wellbeing!
The human body is a highly adaptive self-healing system whose natural tendency is to maintain its vitality and health. The whole body thrives on restoring itself to its proper function. Quantum Wellness looks at WELLBEING as the body’s natural state, while diseases are the result of multiple subtle causes that disrupted this natural propensity.
Therefore, the approach to healing is not to fight the disease and sedate the symptoms but rather, find the right tools to treat the patient using personalized therapies and other supportive modalities to the point where diseases can no longer persist. Thus, Diagnosis means Integrative Assessment of Dysfunctions, Cure means Discovery of all underlying Causes in the holistic context. Our holistic approach is based on integration and not separation; consider the body as a whole and not a bundle of the symptoms.
Often forgotten in medicine today is the Energy. Over 100 years ago, quantum physics established that matter as we perceive composed of condensed vibrating energy. Today we know that the space in and around us is a massive vacuum filled with enormous energy quantities entangling (interlocking, connecting) everything existing in the universe, including all innate and living organisms. These fields are filled with information and vibrations. Even the thoughts and emotions we experience have specific energetic vibrations. By examining these fields through resonance principles, one can ascertain a huge amount of information, and amazing results may ensue.
Taking a patient’s uniqueness into account means each patient should receive an incredibly unique protocol to restore their health and wellbeing. Therefore, we offer different solutions to help you design a holistic improvement plan free of side effects and risks. We spend hours educating and training people to choose the right tools customized to their needs. Certainly, we always recommend contacting your health caregiver for better assistance and more concrete recommendations.
Technology Improving Your Business
We all have the capacity to be healthy, and there are amazing options available to humanity to help ensure our well-being and restore our innate health.
About us

Goran Šunjka
Chief Technology Officer
CTO & co-owner
Along with his business intrenal and external associates leads a technology development department required for service and product development.
He has been in charge of technology design and development since 2007. Goran posses vast knowledge and experience in both modern technology development and Quantum nutritive Science.

Marina Luketina Šunjka
Quantum Nutritionist
Lead Quantum Nutritionist & co-owner
The Story of a journey …
Marina Luketina Sunjka is a modern age, Quantum Nutritionist having degrees in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Organic food production and has been approved as the PhD candidate in Integrative Medical Science at international and national universities.

Maja Lončar
Chief Commercial Officer
Marketing and Commercial Strategies
Maja is a versatile business development manager with over 15 years spent in both communications and business development sector in various industries and continents. She has been involved in successful developing our brand(s), products and services for more than 10 years. She primarily works with international markets product and services development.
a word about the expertise
Marina Luketina Šunjka
I’m proud to say that every single patient I have is a direct word of mouth referral from another patient. However, after maxing out my schedule, I realized that I wasn’t going to change the state of healthcare by seeing only one patient at a time. I knew the transformative power of education and wanted to reach more people.
Marina Luketina Sunjka

Author of Quantum Wellness & Total Body Repair System
Marina has more than 25 years of experience in the fields of health and nutrition. In addition, Marina works in the area of forensic nutrition, serving as a consultant and testifying expert for nutrition, biochemical and physiological issues relating to claims, uses and effects of foods, dietary supplements and related health produces.
Marina is the operational director of the study program in the field of quantum information, integrative medicine and nutrition at the ECPD faculty. The European Center for Peace and Development University for Peace established by the United Nations (ECPD)
Biography overview:
2010 – present
Co-owner and Lead Nutritionist at 4Life Biodesign Wellness Consulting
2008 – present
Organizing and Lecturer at seminars attended by primary and high schools students. Topics: Health & Nutrition
Lecturer authorized for Balkan area by Institute Ukraine for MGI Therapy – Train the Trainer course;
2007 Founded Nutrition Info Therapy – NIT association in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the mission of providing Educative courses on functional nutrition and culture of healthy habits.
Post graduation studies:
(2) Faculty for Medicine Science, Serbia Department: Preventive Medicine Studies Status: 3rd year / final thesis in preparation – The effect of Food on Chronicle and Tumor resulted illnesses.
Therapy Treatment Certificated, by Dr Genagij Temnikov, 2008 – obtained diploma /A+
EPD & MGI/ Therapy, 2006, Certified by Prof.dr. Skripnjuk – obtained diploma /A+
Micro-resonant Therapy Certificated by Dr. Sergij Sitko Laureate for Nobel prize, 2005 – obtained diploma /A+
University Degree: Faculty for Agronomy, Serbia, Major: Organic food, 1989 – obtained diploma/A+
Published works:
1. The Impact of the Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Users in Serbia on OTC Drug Consumption. Front Public Health. 2019;7:303. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2019.00303. (M22 IF 2,483) Luketina-Sunjka M, Rancic N, Mihailovic N, Jakovljevic M.
2. Complementary and alternative medicine in Serbia. Acta Medica Medianae 2020; 59(3): xx-xx. doi:10.5633/amm.2020.0313. (M51) Luketina-Šunjka M, Rančić N, Subotić S, Jakovljević M.
3. Complementary and alternative medicine users in Serbia health self-evaluation: Cross-sectional national study. Acta Medica Medianae 2020;59(4):xx-xx. doi: 10.5633/amm.2020.0405. (M51) Luketina-Šunjka M, Rančić N, Mihailović N, Radević S, Dragović S, Jakovljević M.
4. The impact of socio-demographic characteristics of complementary and alternative medicine users on the OTC drug consumption in Serbia. Abstractbook of 14th Serbian congress of farmacologists and 4th Serbian congress of clinical pharmacology with international participation. Serbian Pharmacological Society, Novi Sad, Serbia, 18-21 September 2019; 169-171. (M64) Luketina-Šunjka M, Rančić N, Mihajlović N, Jakovljević M.
5. Frontier in Public Health 2018; Book Review: Consolidation of Quantitative and Qualitative Research
6. Farmecenomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2017; Utilization patterns of complementary and alternative medicine in Australia, Canada and United States: popularity of dietary supplements, mind-body and manipulative therapies.
Technology Improving Your Business
Never before in human history have we had such complex health problems that plague our modern way of life. The time is now for a medical revolution, a shift in mindset, a new way of approaching health and interpreting disease that does not attempt to make sense of a person by looking only through the lens of a microscope, but also, with a macroscopic understanding. Since 2008, Innovative Wellness has been leading the way in a unique, cutting-edge, and highly effective new approach to wellness and health that makes use of the incredible advancements in fields such as quantum physics and advanced cell-biology, and offers us a fresh set of tools.
Change the way we heal.
Innovation – it’s in our name.
Entering a new age of medicine, we can see that each patient may require something different on their road to recovery. Taking a novel, all-inclusive approach and providing the patient with a personalized treatment program spanning the entire treatment spectrum provides the absolute best chance for resolution of all health problems.
4Life Biodesign was founded 12 years ago aiming to contribute to longevity and aesthetics of an each human. Our philosophy is to equally treat entire mind, body and spirit, which includes various therapies and holistic quantum wellness and spa treatments. We are on the forefront of nutritional therapies and alternative modalities, tailored to each individual’s biochemical need.
Having said that we have entered a number of industries requiring our evaluation assistance: sport, fitness, gym ad spa industry, FMCG, beauty industry, etc.
With decades of own research and a worldwide community, 4LIFE BIO DESIGN is engaged in education and promotion of latest state of the art bioenergetic health care systems. We do approach “health” from the key perspective that energy and information controls matter and we call this Quantum Wellness.
Our company & team is your trusted modern health care partner
Many people around the world struggle with pain, sickness, deteriorating health and “unexplainable illness” and such struggles can lead to a sense of powerlessness and hopelessness, that no-one should ever have to experience or attempt to live with. This is why we’re so passionate about a new health care system, more affordable, self sustainable.
Our mission is to encourage medical professionals, practitioners and individuals to become self-sufficient health care givers. Correcting the “in-formation” as well as the energy flow throughout the body system which is entangled with the unified universal field, we can restore optimal health, prevent diseases and create our healthy journey.
Our vision for the future is to lead the new wave of positive universal medicine beginning to emerge. In coming years our goal is to enable individuals around the world to take care of themselves by using the methods and/or valuable products we do promote.
What can we do for you?
We help you create your healthy journey, guiding you step-by-step to develop your inner strengths and capabilities, to reduce the outer and inner noise and to build up your energy and resources in perfect resonance with the universal energetic field. We want to help you to develop your full potential as a human being, learn more about yourself and take health decisions into your own hands.
Thousands of products and companies offer “the best products” for different problems, making it extremely hard for anybody to find the right choice, spending precious time and money for no results. From years of experience with products and techniques for a healthier lifestyle, we have been able to boil it all down, organizing and selecting a set of products and techniques that really work and are essential to what we call “a sustainable healthy journey”. That way, you don’t have to go through all of the trials and errors, which can be time consuming, frustrating and expensive. We choose only the best technical solutions sold at the best prices (best price versus best functionality and options).
We are here to share our knowledge and experience with latest state of the art bioenergetics devices, new laser systems, light and sound systems, psychosomatic medicine, healthy LiveWater, newest technologies and products from around the world.
- We offer a fair and professional guidance in your purchasing decisions to sustain your new healthy journey
- We let you experience for free all our devices in a live demo
- Our customer care and services are unique and sustaining your activities
- We offer a professional training
- We offer two years’ manufacturer’s warranty
- Great learning resources: we publish only informative and proven content about quantum and informational medicine, we never spam you
- We engage you in conversations with people around the world giving you the opportunity to learn more and exchange experiences
- We offer a wide range of options for consumers and practitioners, so you can fine tune your specification to just what you
- We offer only top quality branded products. Quality is at the top of our selection criteria list, rather than lowest price
Life Biodesign wellness consulting via our brand QUANTUM ZONE offers Nutritional Counseling, Herbology, Homeopathy and Naturopathic services, in addition to E-Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Energy Healing, Quantum -Information Medicine, Functional diagnostic, Biofeedback Stress Assessment, Food Allergy testing and Limbic Stress Assessment screening.
At Holistic Options, we have created a peaceful, calming and soothing environment for all to enjoy
Contact Information
Corporate. Franchisees.
Investors. Distributorships.
Please complete the form below to request access to our pod brochure, financial and operating results, or franchise documents and our Dream Team will contact you if we believe there may be an opportunity to cooperation.
Please feel free to contact us at
Join us and change the face of medicine
Join us and change the face of medicine
We will help you become Owner of a Quantum Wellness Center.
If you like what you see of us and want to do what we do, we will train you and equip you. Contact us and lets discuss. Do not hesitate to contact us. We welcome you to be a Quantum Wellness Advocate.
Crowd-funding has finally come to the right party – you, the clients!
An opportunity for you to become an investor by simply being a client. The more you spend the more you own. If you believe in what we do and its exciting future prospects, you can choose to become our club member by purchasing up to $5.000 – $30,000 worth of credits. You can use this credits to get 5 – 20% discount on all our products and services (member price). In return you will be given free ownership points of the business and enjoy the dividends. For more details, please check with us
We are open to conversations about partnerships, joint ventures, and potential investment opportunities.