A sound program of periodic detoxification will engage all the major organs in your body’s detoxification system intestines, liver, kidneys, skin, gallbladder, lungs, and lymphatics, to improve your health and prevent disease.
You could consider detoxification as being like a thorough spring housecleaning that is taking place on the inside. Just as you need to clean your whole house occasionally and really dig into corners, drawers, and closets where dirt and unwanted items accumulate, so you need to dig deeper when it comes to the organs of elimination and cleanse them thoroughly to eliminate the waste and toxins that have accumulated over time.
- Prescription drugs
- Additives from refined foods
- Aluminum and mercury from vaccines
- Mercury from amalgam fillings
- Biotoxins from mold or fungus
- Environmental toxins from paint, carpets, new furniture
- Home cleaning products like oven cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners
- Polishes for furniture and floors • Air fresheners (sprays/solids)
- Antibacterial cleaners and soaps
- Dry-cleaning products
- Carpet and upholstery cleaners
The Cleanse Programs
The body is designed to detoxify a host of waste products. All you have to do is assist with the process by keeping out as many sources of toxins as possible while providing the right materials to assist in detoxification such as good nutrition from the juices, green smoothies, raw foods, nutrient supplementation, and herbs that cleanse the various organs and systems of the body. You can work on each of the major organs of elimination separately and in the right order — first the colon, then the liver and gallbladder, and the kidneys and bladder. Then you can focus on cleansing the lungs, lymphatic system, and skin and blood.
It’s estimated that on average people have at least five to ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their cells, tissues, and organs. (That’s five to ten pounds we could really feel great about dropping!) Toxic substances that accumulate throughout the body can weaken and congest our organs and systems of elimination. As we’ve already seen, these substances come from a number of sources such as the environment, unhealthy food choices, and internal by-products of metabolism, called endotoxins. Toxic substances such as chemicals, pesticides, drug residues, heavy metals, food additives, along with by-products from food digestion, as well as yeasts, fungus, and parasites can pile up in our system like logs jamming a river. If they are not broken down and eliminated, they are stored in the intestines, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, skin, bone, lymphatic system, and fat cells, making us sick, weak, overweight, and unable to fight off infections. And toxic molecules, known as free radicals, damage our cells, accelerating aging and creating many health problems. This is why it’s so crucial to periodically cleanse your body.
With over 87,000 new chemicals produced every year, we are exposed to thousands of toxins on a daily basis! Where do they go? More important, how do we get rid of them?
The sections below will give you information on cleansing your body thoroughly. You will learn about –Intestinal Cleanse, Liver Cleanse, Gall Bladder Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Lymphatic System Detox, Lung Cleanse, Parasite Cleanse, Candida Cleanse, Heavy Metal Detox, Cellulite Cleanse, Skin Cleanse, and the Sauna Detox Program.
The Intestinal Cleanse
Eating overly cooked food, fried food, junk food, spoiled food, or sweets like cookies, chocolate, and ice cream; drinking coffee and alcohol; or taking drugs (prescription or recreational) can stimulate mucus secretion throughout the entire alimentary canal. This is normal; it’s the body’s natural way of protecting itself against the occasional encounter with irritating food.
When we ingest these substances ever day, and for some people every meal, mucus and waste build up on the intestinal wall like crud builds up in bathroom pipes. Pancreatic juices help to digest food and cleanse mucus from the intestines.
However, continual poor food choices lead to constant mucus secretion, and the digestive juices cannot eliminate this overload of waste. Mucous and waste buildup can interfere with nutrient absorption, provide a hiding place for Candida albicans, and contribute to poor elimination.
This allows toxins to reenter the bloodstream.As intestinal waste builds up, intestinal motion becomes less effective and material takes longer to pass through the digestive tract. This can contribute to constipation. Built-up mucus and waste also can be a breeding ground for parasites and yeast like Candida albicans.
The Intestinal Cleanse Program is available in Juicing, Fasting, Detoxing products and Ferti devices.
It’s not hard to see why a clean intestinal tract is so important to good health. The 7-day Intestinal Cleanse Program will help you reduce waste buildup in the intestines and allow for more efficient absorption of nutrients. If you have an intestinal disease, such as Crohn’s disease or diverticulitis, check with your doctor before beginning.
Colon Cleansing Kit
- Assures Regular & Comfortable Bowel Movements
- Removes Old, Accumulated Waste from Your Small & Large (Colon) Intestines
- Rejuvenates the Digestive System
- Prepares You for the Internal Cleansing Kit
- Specify ginger or pepperment flavor
Internal Cleansing Kit with Colon Cleanse
- Detoxify and Rejuvenate All of Your Body’s Organs of Cleansing
- Reduce Unwanted Para-Organisms in the Digestive Tract
- Provide Probiotics
- Provide Support While Cleansing
- Release the Body’s Wisdom for Greater Health
Liver Cleanse
The liver is a prime place for the body to store toxins that can’t be excreted. Highly toxic chemicals can pass through the liver, including residues from pesticides and herbicides. And it doesn’t take a megadose of toxins or irritating substances to weaken the liver of some individuals. It can be damaged by a variety of medications, alcohol, and viruses.
Alcoholics are notorious for having bad livers because alcohol is a powerful liver toxin. Over time, heavy drinkers can develop severe scarring of the liver and loss of cells in that vital organ. Chronic heavy drinkers with damaged, poorly functioning livers are also at high risk of liver cancer. This is a result of the chronic scarring, inflammation, and exposure to toxins. But it may not be only heavy drinking that causes problems for some people. Researchers have found even small amounts of alcohol can cause fat deposits in the livers of susceptible individuals.
As a consequence of our modern diet, many people have considerable congestion and even gallstones in their liver. This may be true even though a person has not had a history of gallstones. Gallstones in the liver are an impediment to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. They are, indeed, one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness or recovering from disease.
Liver congestion and stagnation are quite common, yet conventional medicine has no way to determine this. Relying on blood tests for diagnostic purposes concerning liver congestion is inadequate. Most people who have a physical ailment have perfectly normal liver enzymes in the blood, despite suffering liver congestion and stagnation. Liver enzymes become elevated in the blood only when there is advanced liver cell destruction, as in hepatitis or liver inflammation. Liver cells contain large amounts of enzymes, and when they are ruptured, the enzymes enter the blood and signal liver abnormalities. By then, the damage has already occurred. It takes many years of congestion before such an event becomes possible. Therefore, cleansing the liver is an excellent preventative measure as well as a healing, restorative, and rejuvenating practice.
Liver Cleansing
I encourage you to do an intestinal and liver cleanse to help your body heal. The liver is your major filter system, cleansing the blood and eliminating toxins. When it gets overloaded with toxins, you won’t feel well. You may not be able to lose weight (or gain weight) because it is the fat metabolism organ also. Your cholesterol may go up. You may never know how good you can feel until you cleanse your colon and liver.When I was traveling a great deal because of QVC in the US and Germany, I started getting migraine headaches.
They got worse as time went by until I would end up in bed for 2 or 3 days unable to do anything. I would get intense pain above my right eye. I believe my liver got very congested due to all the chemicals and toxins I encountered while traveling. One day I decided to do a liver cleanse. During the cleanse, I got headaches, but when the cleanse was over, I never had another migraine headache after that. It’s been about 8 years that I have been headache free.
The next time I did a liver cleanse, my sinuses started cleansing. I learned that the liver is connected with the sinuses. I blew my nose for a couple of weeks and then my sinus completely cleared. I’d had many challenges with them prior to that. When I did a third liver cleanse, my lungs cleared. I’d had numerous challenges with them as well, having had bronchitis and pneumonia in the past. That time I coughed for a couple of weeks and then they felt very clear.
Symptoms of a Toxic Liver
- Abdominal discomfort
- Aches and pains
- Brown spots on the face and hands
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Anal itching
- Bad breath
- Body odor
- Sallow or jaundiced complexion
- Whitish or yellow tongue coating
- Digestive problems (belching and flatulence)
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness after eating
- Fatigue
- Frequent urination at night
- Migraine headaches or headaches that involve a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the head
- Inability to tolerate heat or cold
- Sleeplessness (insomnia)
- Loss of memory or inability to concentrate
- Irritability
- Loss of sexual desire
- Lower back pain
- Malaise
- Menstrual problems
- Nervousness and anxiety
- Pain around the right shoulder blade and shoulder (also connected with gallbladder congestion) Puffy eyes and/or face
- Red nose
- Small red spots on the skin (either smooth or raised and hard— known as cherry angiomas)
- Sinus problems
- Allergies
- Candidiasis
- Constipation
- Hemorrhoids
- Cellulite
- Premenstrual syndrome
Benefits of Cleansing the Liver
- Clearer, brighter complexion
- Dark circles disappear from under the eyes
- Some age spots may disappear
- Digestion improves
- Weight loss becomes easier; cellulite goes away
- Energy increases
- Sleep improves; need to urinate during the night improves
- Aches and pains disappear
- Headaches often cease
- Memory improves
- Mood is better
- Allergies go away
- Facial puffiness disappears
Detox Nutrients Package (Liver Cleanse )
- Complete supplement packets for detoxification support
- Promotes the metabolism of toxins*
- Ideal for anyone on a cleansing program
- Convenient take-along packets for travel, work, or play!
Blessed Herbs Internal Cleansing Kit with Colon Cleanse
- Detoxify and Rejuvenate All of Your Body’s Organs of Cleansing
- Reduce Unwanted Para-Organisms in the Digestive Tract
- Provide Probiotics
- Provide Support While Cleansing
- Release the Body’s Wisdom for Greater Health
The Gallbladder Cleanse
The function of the gallbladder is to store and concentrate bile, which is made in the liver, until it is needed in the small intestine. The liver makes bile out of cholesterol, water, lecithin, mucin, bile acids, and other organic and inorganic substances. Bile acids are the check-and-balance of this system, designed to keep cholesterol soluble so it doesn’t form stones. It is the typical Western diet of high-fat, fiber-depleted, refined foods that causes most gallstones. Symptoms can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. When bile stagnates in the gallbladder, gallstones can form, leading to possible bacteria growth. This situation often triggers gallbladder attacks that spur severe cramping and pain, particularly if the gallstones block the bile duct — the tube connecting the gallbladder to the small intestine.You can effectively prevent such attacks by regularly using curcumin, which stimulates the gallbladder to release its bile. Curcumin also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent infections and inflammation in this organ.The cleansing program outlined in Juicing, Fasting, and Detoxing can help you purge the gallbladder of stones, “sand,” or “mud”, including the “silent stones” that don’t cause symptoms.
Symptoms of Gallbladder Congestion
- Neck and back pain
- Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side
- Pain between shoulder blades
- Stools light or chalky colored
- Indigestion after eating (heartburn), especially fatty or greasy foods
- Bitter fluid reflux after eating
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Bloating, gas, burping, or belching
- Feeling of fullness or poor food digestion
- Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to watery stools)
- Loss of libido
- Constipation—frequent need for laxatives
- Headache over eyes, especially the right eye
Kidney Cleanse
The kidneys perform many important functions including: Elimination of waste; excretion of urine, blood pressure regulation balance of pH—acid/alkaline balance, fluid and electrolyte balance. Poor dietary habits such as eating refined carbohydrates (sweets and white flour baked goods), drinking too much alcohol, eating large amounts of animal protein and fat, consuming mucous-forming foods such as dairy products, and eating too much salt, along with prescription drugs, pesticides, and environmental toxins overload the kidneys, making them less effective. This reduced efficiency contributes to more congestion, kidney stone development, and other kidney ailments. Symptoms of possible kidney congestion or other problems include burning or pain during urination, cloudy urine, a cold sensation in the lower half of the body, dark circles under the eyes, frequent urination (especially at night), foul-smelling or dark urine, incontinence, pain in the eyes, and blood in the urine. (If you suspect kidney stones or have a urinary tract infection, see your doctor immediately.) As you cleanse and support your kidney and urinary health, you will also expel toxins and wastes from your kidneys.
Symptoms That You May Need a Kidney Cleanse
- Changes in urine
- Pain or discomfort near the kidneys
- High blood pressure and swelling.
- Anemia
- Muscle cramps
- Contraction of the calf muscles in the leg
- Itching
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Skin rashes
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea and vomiting
- Confusion
Kidney & Bladder Rejuvenator
Stimulates, decongests, soothes, and tones the kidneys and bladder in their daily task of cleansing.
The Lymphatic System Detox
The lymphatic system is one of the supporting channels of elimination that is responsible for getting rid of toxins. It is comprised of a network of ducts, called lymph vessels, and carries lymph, a clear, watery fluid that resembles plasma. It consists of lymph nodes, lymph veins, lymphacytes, tonsils, adenoids, cisternae chyli (receives lymph fluid from abdominal cavity), thymus, and spleen. It has a wide-ranging drainage system that returns water and proteins from various tissues back to the bloodstream.Since the lymphatic system does not have an active pump, it’s dependent primarily on exercise and breathing to move the lymph through its many vessels. Breathing acts like a pressure pump to move lymph, and exercise pushes against the lymphatic vessels and squeezes them, thereby pushing the lymph along in a type of “milking action.” Lymphatic drainage massage can also help this process. But the Lymphasizer machine will do about the same things. The lymphatic vessels function as the garbage collection system. They pick up the by-products of cellular respiration that have been excreted into the intracellular fluid and carry them through the body for elimination. Therefore, keeping the lymph moving freely through the vessels is a vitally important step in the detoxification process.Many people have a congested lymphatic system and don’t know it. Swollen glands are symptomatic of congestion in the lymph nodes. In America, the lymphatic system is one of the most over-looked systems of the human body. In Europe, stimulation of lymph flow is a commonly prescribed medical treatment. Most healthcare practitioners in this country seldom consider the lymphatic system’s critical role in preventing illness or its importance in healing the body.
Symptoms of a Toxic Lymphatic System
- Allergies
- Chronic sinusitis
- Eczema and other skin conditions
- Loss of energy
- Fibrocystic disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Repetitive parasitic infections
- Edema
- Inflammation
- High blood pressure (a contributing factor)
- Frequent viral infections
- Puffy eyes
- Bacterial infections
- Low back pain
- Cancer (a contributing factor)
- Balance problems
- Arthritis (contributing factor)
- Headaches
- Cellulite
- Excessive sweating
- Obesity (a contributing factor)
Lymph Rejuvenation
- Helps cleanse and support the lymphatic system
- Helps cleanse and support lymph nodes and immune system
- Helps drain and transport lymph fluids
- Assisting in removal of toxins, tissue wastes, and cellular debris
Here’s What Else You Can Do For Your Lymphatic System
To cleanse and support your lymphatic system, follow the Dietary and Detox Recommendations
The Ferti Machine) This type of machine provides gentle massage as it oxygenates muscles, tissues, and organs. It also helps move lymph along so it does not stagnate.
If you are not able to do much exercise because of weakness, debilitation, or time constraints, this machine is a must, but I recommend it for everyone.
The Lung Cleanse
The lungs are one of the five major organs of elimination. The lungs breathe in air that principally contains oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and carbon, then processes it by extracting what the body needs to produce fuel from the foods we eat. The lungs then expel carbon dioxide gas, along with some of the toxic wastes that have been produced in the body. It is crucial throughout the cleansing process to keep the lungs functioning at peak efficiency. Use the following breathing exercises to assist your lungs in their capacity as organs of elimination.
Benefits of Lung Detoxification
- Increases overall health of the respiratory system
- Improved oxygen assimilation
- Eliminates mucus
Deep Cleansing Breaths
Breathe deeply from your diaphragm by filling up your belly and upper chest (let your belly stick out as you breathe in); hold for a count of two, and then expel the air. This exercise can be done throughout the day; do a minimum of six times. Try to be conscious of your breathing, especially if you are anxious or under pressure, so you don’t hold your breath.
Aerobic Exercise Promotes Deep Breathing
“Aerobic” means in the presence of oxygen. Add a program of aerobic exercise to your daily routine for lifelong health and wellness — the lungs and the entire body will benefit. Great aerobic exercises that promote deep breathing include brisk walking, snow shoeing, jogging, bicycling, hiking, aerobic dance, step aerobics classes, swimming, or rebounding. Find something you enjoy and have the energy to perform, and try to exercise outside as often as possible, as outdoor air is usually less polluted than indoor air. A walk or jog in the fresh air is also nourishing to your spirit.
Release Emotions Like Sadness and Grief
Negative emotions, particularly sadness and grief, are known to inhibit or impede lung health. Holding on to grief, sadness, and sorrow often will lead to shallow breathing and lung contraction. These repressed emotions become toxic, as they interfere with the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste products through the lungs.
Parasite Cleanse
Parasitic infestation is not limited to poor Third World countries, but is actually growing at an alarming rate right here in North America. A number of health care professionals believe parasites are the cause or a contributing factor to a number of disease conditions such as cancer, intestinal problems, and chronic fatigue.A parasite is an organism that feeds off of another. In our bodies, parasites often feed on the undigested, putrefied food that collects in the gastrointestinal tract, the mucus of the lungs, and waste in the lymphatic system, or any area of the body that is sick or weak, often because of toxic overload. These intruders are able to proliferate when the immune system is compromised. Although some parasites like worms are large enough to be visible in the stools, especially during a detoxification program when they are killed and being expelled, most are microscopic pathogens that can be detected only by a specialized stool test.Common sources of parasites include improperly washed vegetables and fruit, contaminated water, and undercooked meats. Parasites are often transmitted from pets and can be transferred from other infected persons. And they can come from restaurant workers that don’t wash their hands. The overuse of antibiotics interferes with normal intestinal flora and contributes to parasites’ proliferation.Because parasites are difficult to detect and often hide in the lining of the intestinal tract or in other organs and spaces of the body, their presence and the problems they cause may go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Parasites cause damage directly to the body, but also their acidic waste excretions contribute to additional body toxicity. Microscopic pathogens like yeasts, protozoa, fungi, worms, and bacteria disrupt our digestive processes and contribute to compromised digestion, which negatively impacts the immune system and leads to compromised nutrition.Some parasites can fool the body causing it to think they are a normal part of the tissue or organ so the immune system will not go after them. When they have established their presence, they can make “Swiss cheese” out of parts of our body by perforating tissues. Worms can burrow into the intestines, lungs, liver, brain—almost anywhere in the body. They can erode, damage, or block certain organs or spaces by clumping together. They can even appear as cancerous tumors in areas like the brain, heart, or lungs. They pass off metabolic wastes that are toxic. Many people have trouble disposing of these toxins, and therefore, they are reabsorbed back into their system through the intestines. They also suppresses the immune system, which leads to further degeneration, fatigue, and illness.Some conditions that promote parasitic infections are excess mucus, an imbalance in the intestinal flora, chronic constipation, and a toxic internal environment.
Parasites feed on the nutrients that are meant to nourish us. In other words, our cells may be starving because of the nutritional deficiencies that result from parasitic infestation. Often people with parasites will overeat because they are constantly hungry. Their bodies are trying to make up for the nutritional deficit created by the parasites.
Toxic metabolic waste overloads and overworks the organs of elimination and taxes the central nervous system causing a host of symptoms such as chronic fatigue, mood swing, depression, and anxiety. Parasites can also penetrate the skin cause itching. When tissues becomes inflamed from the parasites, the body’s white blood cells step up in defense. This activity can cause skin rashes and food allergies. Parasites can collect in the sinuses and nasal cavities causing sinusitis, headaches, and pain above the eyes. Parasites can also produce sleep disturbances such as insomnia, grinding teeth, drooling, and nightmares. Since they rob the body of the best of the nutrients, you get the leftovers—fat, sugar, and chemicals like preservatives. It is believed that many overweight people have parasites and as a result they are constantly hungry. This leads to overeating. They can also cause muscle and joint pain.
Story of Parasite Cleansing
When I did a parasite cleanse, the directions said that if I noticed anything, I should repeat it again. I did notice a couple of things so I did a second cleanse. That time, three parasites died that were in my right eye. They were small and round. Prior to that, every once in a while, I’d feel a little squiggle sensation in my eye. So after that, I did round three. I noticed a few more things. So I did round four. That’s when it all broke loose in my sinuses and nasal passages. For several weeks, my body released parasites that had been killed off. I’ve never been so amazed. All the years of suffering with sinus issues!
Symptoms of Parasitic Infection
There’s a huge variety of parasites and numerous diverse symptoms associated with them. Many of these symptoms are common for other conditions. See your doctor for a stool test to confirm the presence of parasites.
- Abdominal cramping, pain,or bloating
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Burning sensations when defecating
- Fluid loss
- Poor absorption of nutrients
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Blood sugar fluctuations
- Food cravings
- Tiredness and weakness
- Allergies
- Anemia
- Fuzzy thinking
- Headaches
- Loose, foul-smelling stools
- Loss of appetite
- Coughing
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Gas & bloating
- Digestive problems
- Explosive bowel movements very soon after eating
- Mucus in the stools
- Leaky gut
- Nausea
- Hemorrhoids
- Bloody stools
- Fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Low energy
- Lethargy
- Excessive weakness
- Dry skin and hair
- Brittle hair
- Hair loss
- Itchy nose
- Itchy anus
- Itchy skin
- Hives
- Allergic reactions to food
- Crawling sensation under the skin or the nose
- Rashes
- Weeping eczema
- Cutaneous ulcers
- Papular lesions
- Swelling
- Sores
- Mood Swings
- Nervousness
- Depression
- Forgetfulness
- Fuzzy thinking
- Restlessness
- Anxiety
- Slow reflexes
- Insomnia
- Grinding teeth while asleep
- Bed wetting
- Drooling during sleep
- Awakenings several times during the night
- Weight gain
- Obesity
- Loss of appetite or uncontrollable eating
- Inability to gain or lose weight
The Parasite Cleanse Kit
The kit includes:
- Digestive Stimulator Toxin absorber
- Large Para Cleanser
- Small Para Cleanser
- Glass Shaker Jar
- User guide and dosage calendar
Specify ginger or peppermint
The Candida Detoxification Program
Candida albicans are usually benign yeasts (or fungus) that naturally inhabit the folds and creases of the digestive tract and the vaginal tract in women. They normally live in harmonious relationship with beneficial intestinal flora, also known as “probiotics.” In healthy people, Candida albicans does not present a problem because it is kept in check by friendly bacteria that also inhabit the gut.
These good bacteria, however, can be easily destroyed by the use of antibiotics and other medications, allowing Candida albicans to flourish. Other factors connected with our twenty-first-century lifestyle such as diets rich in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and alcohol, along with the use of birth control pills (pregnancy, hormonal changes), and stress encourage yeasts to grow.
Thought to affect more than forty million Americans, Candida albicans is now being recognized as a complex medical syndrome known as “chronic candidiasis” or “yeast syndrome.” These organisms attach themselves to the intestinal wall, where they compete with cells and ultimately the entire body for nutrients, thus creating nutrient deficiencies. They also release toxic byproducts (their waste) that contribute to symptoms of yeast overgrwoth. This overgrowth of yeast is believed to cause widespread symptoms in virtually every system of the body, with the gastrointestinal, genitourinary, endocrine, nervous, and immune systems being the most susceptible.
Symptoms of Candidiasis
- Athletes foot
- Canker sores
- Chemical sensitivities
- Depression
- Digestive problems
- Dry cracking feet, hands, or elbows
- Ear and sinus irritation
- Fatigue
- Feeling “sick all over”
- Immune system dysfunction
- Intense itching
- Intense cravings for sweets, bread, and/or alcohol
- Jock itch
- Respiratory problems
- Ringworm
- Skin problems including rashes that won’t go away
- Thrush in the mouth or the genital area
- Toenail fungus
- Vaginitis
- Weight gain
Predisposing Factors
Chronic candidiasis has many predisposing factors, such as altered bowel flora, decreased digestive secretions, dietary factors such as consuming too much sugar, alcohol, and too many other high-carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta, or pizza, drugs (particularly antibiotics), immune dysfunction, impaired liver function, nutrient deficiencies, and underlying disease states. To simply go after the yeasts and kill them off, whether using natural or synthetic antifungal agents, will not get to the root cause of why you developed candidiasis in the first place. It’s a lot like cutting leaves off a weed. It’s vitally important to address all the factors that predisposed you to yeast overgrowth and get to the root of the problem so it doesn’t return in the future.
Correcting the Problem
In addition to using antifungal agents, it’s very important to address the predisposing factors. Here’s what I recommend.
Follow a Candida-Control Diet
Incorporate a healthy, low-carb diet, such as the one in The Coconut Diet, which has over seventy recipes, during a candida detox program. I recommend virgin coconut oil because it contains fatty acids that help kill yeasts. The early phases of the diet eliminate grains, fruit, alcohol, sugars, and other carbs that quickly turn to sugar such as refined flour and starches, which Candida albicans is known to feed on. All natural sugars should also be eliminated when cleansing the body of yeasts. Sugars are a primary food for yeasts. Milk and dairy products need to be omitted because milk lactose promotes overgrowth of yeasts. And all mold-and yeast-containing foods such as alcohol, cheese, dried fruit, bread, and peanuts must be completely avoided. Food allergens should also be eliminated. Candidiasis sufferers may need to avoid these foods for a number of months, as Candida albicansinfections are known to be opportunistic and very difficult to overcome if the condition is systemic (meaning that the yeast has spread to other areas outside the digestive tract). It’s best to stick with this diet until you are symptom free and yeast free, which can be determined by a stool test.
Include Plenty of Virgin Coconut Oil in Your Diet
Research shows that the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil kill Candida albicans. Caprylic acid is one of the fatty acids it contains that has been used successfully to fight candida. William Crook, MD, the author of The Yeast Connection and developer of the Candida Questionnaire, reports that many physicians have used caprylic acid successfully for yeast overgrowth and that it works especially well for those patients who have adverse reactions to antifungal drugs. Coconut oil also contains two other medium-chain fatty acids, lauric and capric acid, that have been shown to kill C. albicans. A study done at the University of Iceland showed “capric acid, a 10-carbon saturated fatty acid, causes the fastest and most effective killing of all three strains of Candida albicans tested, leaving the cytoplasm disorganized and shrunken because of a disrupted or disintegrated plasma membrane. Lauric acid, a 12-carbon saturated fatty acid, was the most active at lower concentrations and after a longer incubation time.” This study makes the case that all the medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil work together to help you get rid ofCandida albicans.(To order larger quantities of virgin coconut oil for a significant savings, see the Resources Guide.)
Assist Digestive Secretions
A major step in treating candidiasis is improving digestion. Gastric hydrochloric acid, pancreatic enzymes, and bile all inhibit the overgrowth of yeasts and prevent its penetration into the surfaces of the small intestine. Decreased secretion of any of these components can lead to a proliferation of Candida albicans. And modern society offers numerous factors that decrease HCL; stress, food excesses, over-consumption of i fats and proteins, and chemical use, along with aging (over fifty) can reduce HCL. Harmful emotions such as fear, worry, and anxiety also decrease gastric secretions. Other conditions associated with low stomach acid include malabsorption, pernicious anemia, rosacea, eczema, anemia, food allergies, thyroid dysfunction, vitiligo, atrophic gastritis, Helicobacter pylori infection of the stomach, and gastric cancer. You can take the gastric challenge test to measure the amount of stomach acid you have. Most holistic doctors have the materials to perform this test.
Supplementation with hydrochloric acid (HCL betaine), pepsin, pancreatic enzymes, and nutrients that improve bile flow are all helpful in treating chronic candidiasis. The proteases (pancreatic enzymes) are enzymes that break down proteins and are mostly responsible for keeping the small intestines free of parasites (yeasts, bacteria, protozoa, and worms). (A deficiency in pancreatic enzymes is also one of the reasons some people experience excessive hair breakage, slow growth or loss of hair, or poor fingernail growth.) Supplementation should include HCL betaine, digestive enzmes, and a lipotropic formula to promote bile flow (the formula should include choline, methionine, and/or cysteine). (See the Resources Guide for recommendations.)
Support the Immune System
A compromised immune system leads to yeast overgrowth, and Candida albicans infection promotes damage to the immune system. It’s a vicious circle. Tests can document immune dysfunction, but they are expensive. A practical (and free) evaluation is to look at your health history. A history of viral infections including colds and flu, sinus infections, outbreaks of cold sores or genital herpes, prostatitis in men, and vaginal infections in women are indicative of immune dysfunction.
Supplementation with antioxidants, which include vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and glutathione (found in abundance in vegetables and especially their juices), along with virgin coconut oil (to control candida) can be very helpful in improving immune function.
Detoxify the Liver
Drs. Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno, authors of The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, say that improving liver health and promoting detoxification may be critical factors in the successful treatment of candidiasis. They note that damage to the liver is often an underlying factor in chronic candidiasis as well as in chronic fatigue. Studies with mice have shown that even slight liver damage causes Candida albicans to run rampant.
Chapter six outlines the liver-detox program. It’s best to complete a liver/gallbladder detoxification before embarking on the candida detoxification program.
Take Probiotics
Probiotics, which are strains of beneficial intestinal flora such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bactobacillus bifidum, promote a healthy intestinal environment. It’s very important that as you kill off the yeast, you replace the good bacteria. Choose a good probiotic supplement as part of your wellness plan.
Take an Antifungal
Compound In addition to coconut oil, you may benefit from taking a yeast-killing agent such as an herbal supplement that contains the herbs thyme, garlic, fennel, black walnut, pau d’ arco, burdock and barberry.
Drink Plenty of Purified Water
It is very important to drink plenty of purified water to flush your system as you kill off yeasts — aim for one quart of water for every fifty pounds of weight. It will help to reduce die-off symptoms (discomfort as the yeast in your system dies) and will promote weight loss and good hydration.
The Herxheimer Reaction and Candidiasis
Be aware that as yeasts die, your symptoms may worsen for a short time or you may experience some reactions such as headaches or diarrhea. Such reactions are known as the Herxheimer Reaction (die-off effect), which is the result of the rapid killing of microorganisms and absorption of large quantities of yeast toxins, cell particles, and antigens. Hang in there. Your health will improve if you stick with the program. You’ll be delighted with how you feel when you finally rid yourself of this obnoxious parasite.
The Candida Detoxification Program is in Juicing, Fasting, and Ferti Detoxing Mashine.
The Thirty-Day Heavy-Metal Detoxification Program
Living in the twenty-first century exposes every one of us to contamination from heavy metals. These intoxicants pour into our environment from thousands of sources that contaminate our air, water, food, buildings, and gardens.
Lead is a common heavy metal that has been in our environment for decades. It’s found in the solder that seals food cans, in crops grown in lead-contaminated soil, in atmospheric lead from glass manufacturers, from printers, smelters, and various other sources of industrial lead, as well as from leaded dust that is used in ceramic glazes. Although gas and paint no longer contain lead, many of us who grew up in that era still have lead in our tissues from exposure during the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s.Mercury levels have become so high in many of our oceans and lakes that it has contaminated much of the world’s fish and shellfish.
The mercury becomes more concentrated as you move up the food chain, so larger fish like albacore tuna, swordfish, and shark are often highly contaminated.
Fish meal is frequently fed to chickens (unless they’re fed a vegan diet), so poultry is an additional source of mercury. Another common source is dental fillings, which are an amalgam of mercury and silver, as well as from vaccinations that can contain the compound thimerosal (mercury is used as a preservative).
We are exposed to cadmium from phosphate fertilizers, the burning of fossil fuels, and the gases that are released from zinc, lead, and copper smelters. Tobacco smoke is also a source of cadmium. Other types of heavy metals that may accumulate in our bodies from environmental pollution include arsenic, tin, copper, and aluminum.
Heavy metals tend to accumulate in the tissues of the brain, kidneys, liver, fat cells, and immune system. They are not easily eliminated by the normal channels of elimination, but tend to stay in our bodies for decades, often severely disrupting normal metabolic function and sometimes causing irreversible damage.
Their effects can range from subtle symptoms to serious diseases, and because metals build up in the body over long periods of time, the associated symptoms are often misdiagnosed.Removal of heavy metals can be a slow, difficult process, and during a detoxification program there is usually a redistribution of heavy metals within the body. To rid yourself of them, carefully follow the guidelines in this section during your detoxification program.
Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Chronic pain in muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
- Chronic fatigue
- Malaise — a general feeling of discontent, fatigue, illness, and lethargy
- Brain fog — state of forgetfulness and confusion
- Chronic infections such as Candida albicans
- Gastrointestinal disturbance such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion
- Food allergies and intolerances
- Dizziness
- Migraines or headaches
- Visual problems
- Mood swings, depression, and anxiety
- Nervous system malfunctions — burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, or an electrifying feeling throughout the body
Because heavy metal toxicity can produce symptoms that sometimes are mistaken for other chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, or multiple sclerosis, it’s wise to discuss heavy metal toxicity with a qualified health-care professional such as someone that specializes in environmental medicine.
Metall Clean Support for Heavy Metal Metabolism
MetalloClear is designed to help you stay healthy by providing specialized support for heavy metal metabolism.
Flush Away the Cellulite
It’s not just another fat. Simply put, cellulite is irregular fat deposits. Essentially, this fat is trapped within connective tissues and the affected areas are full of fluid, toxins, lymph, and waste.These dimples and bumps are usually found on the thighs, hips, and buttocks, and most of us aren’t very happy about them. Infuriatingly, many dieters find that no matter how hard they work at weight loss, exercise, and strict diet, this stuff sticks to the thighs like caramel on an apple — even when they’ve dropped down a size or two. Because it’s quite different from your garden-variety kind of pudge, cellulite has to be tackled in a unique way.
Cellulite is associated with poorly functioning blood vessels, constipation, poor lymphatic drainage, and toxicity. If blood vessels are weak and sluggish, toxins will accumulate quickly, making it difficult for the body to burn fat in the affected areas.
Constipation contributes to cellulite because it causes wastes and toxins to remain in the body rather than being eliminated. A sluggish, poor-functioning colon means that toxic wastes are not eliminated, and this affects the efficiency of organs such as the liver and kidneys.
Consuming sugar, refined salt (sodium chloride), caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy fats and oils, and refined carbohydrates is taxing on your systems of elimination. This makes it much harder for your body to eliminate waste — and far easier for fat to get stored as cellulite. Some experts believe it’s toxins that cause this fat to become trapped and held in one spot in the first place.
This kind of fat can’t be eradicated just by eating healthy foods or by exercise. Though creams, lotions, or lymphatic drainage massage may help a little, they will not wipe away the lumps.
You can rub, massage, and wrap this fat in seaweed every day of your life, but this stuff is not going to disappear unless you cleanse your body, especially your colon and liver, and improve your circulation and metabolism, get your lymph moving, and nourish your body from within.One particular exercise machine known as a lymphasizer [swing machine] is particularly helpful. Also, as you boost your metabolism, your circulatory and lymphatic systems will work better, and you’ll increase your chances of shifting the bulges. Changing your diet and detoxifying your body is key to eradicating cellulite. I know firsthand. You’ve got to flush out the toxins – plain and simple. It’s also important to nourish and condition the areas affected in order to strengthen blood vessels and tissues and step up circulation.
When toxins are removed and blood vessels and surrounding tissues are nourished, then it is possible for the fat to be used as energy. Your thighs don’t have to look like a pitted golf ball any longer, and you can be trimmer and sleeker with the help of the cleansing programs.
The Skin Cleanse
The skin covers the entire surface area of the body, making it the largest organ of elimination. The skin has many important functions, including the regulation of body temperature and the elimination of toxins through sweating. It aids all the other channels of elimination during the detoxification process, so it is vitally important that the skin’s pores not get clogged. There are a number of ways to cleanse and support the skin so it can function optimally.The junk food, bad oils, fried foods, fast food, drinks, and chemicals we eat often show up on our skin. Pimples, blackheads, rashes, age spots, oiliness, wrinkles, and dryness are usually a result of what we put in our mouths. When we consume processed, high sugar, preservative-laden, or fried foods, for example, the body must work very hard to get rid of the toxins. Then it doesn’t have much time to create new, healthy, vibrant skin cells. The organs responsible for toxin elimination–the colon, kidneys and liver—become overwhelmed, so the body attempts to remove toxins and excess waste through the pores, causing clogging such as blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, redness, and skin irritation.
Signs You Need to Detox Your Skin
- Acne, pimples, whiteheads, frequent breakouts
- Skin problems like rashes, eczema and psoriasis
- Sallow skin
- Gray skin
- Dull, lifeless looking skin
- Large pores
8 Detox Steps to Radiant Skin
Step 1: Water is key to flushing out toxins. It not only delivers nutrients to your cells and keeps your kidneys functioning well, but also aids in eliminating wastes and toxins. Without enough water to help the body flush out the wastes, it becomes like a pool of poisons. This leads to many poor health conditions including skin problems. If you want glowing, healthy skin, you have to drink at least 8-10 glasses of purified water everyday. Yes, that’s water – in addition to your juices. Not diet soda. Not energy drinks. Not coffee or tea. Not a beer or a glass of wine. Water – clear, tasteless water. Many people believe that by drinking soda or any other liquid, they keep themselves hydrated. That is not true. In fact, many of these liquids I just mentioned are dehydrating, and if you drink them, you need extra water. Water is the most fundamental aspect of your skin detox program—and all detox programs. If you don’t drink enough water on a daily basis, other tips won’t help you as much.
Step 2: Drink antioxidant-rich juice. Start your day with an antioxidant-rich juice such as the recipe noted below. Antioxidants help protect the skin from environmental damage and prevent premature aging.
Skin Cleanser Cocktail
- 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
- 1/2 bunch fresh parsley
- 1 handful alfalfa sprouts
- 1 small handful fresh mint