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Eusonica – Euracom – Vibro Music Treatment – Wellness Treatment – Beauty Center & Spa Equipments
Sound is vibration, each vibration has a specific frequency. In nature everything vibrates and emits sound: atoms, molecules, DNA, cells, organs… The body “responds” to stimuli proposed by a frequency, by resonating with it. Cellular gymnastic treatment through sounds and music. When the body rediscovers its own harmonious frequencies, it rediscovers health and well-being.
Vibro Music Treatment
Sound is vibration, each vibration has a specific frequency. In nature everything vibrates and emits sound: atoms, molecules, DNA, cells, organs… The body “responds” to stimuli proposed by a frequency, by resonating with it.
Cellular gymnastic treatment through sounds and music. When the body rediscovers its own harmonious frequencies, it rediscovers health and well-being. No stress energica relax feel happy.
Sounds and Frequencies
It has been demonstrated and is now known that matter and the perceptible world consists of energy which “vibrates” at different frequencies, resulting in various elements which make up matter as we know it. Today, physics and medicine are objectively proving the effects of waves and frequencies on the body and mind of living beings. Science is explaining how organisms respond to frequency and music, re-conferring “scientific” value upon millennial disciplines and therapies.
Sound is vibration, each vibration has a specific frequency. In nature, everything vibrates and emits sound: atoms, molecules, DNA, cells, organs…
…everything has a characteristic vibration and can be inf luenced by means of resonance, even our brain can be stimulated into synchronisation, thus favouring psychophysical relaxation and holistic well-being. When the body rediscover s i ts own harmonious frequencies, it rediscovers health and well-being. The body “responds” to stimul i proposed by a f requency, by resonating with it.
Emotions and Moods
Frequencies which positively interact with different parts of the body (organs, muscles, bones, cells, pathologies, etc.) have been identified, as well as frequencies with which interaction is possible according to mood.
The brain actually emits different frequencies according to its state, for example during sleep, relaxation-pleasure, activity, stress, etc. Each of these brain states, or “emotive qualities” correspond to specific “sound qualities” (relaxing, reactivating, harmonising frequencies, etc.). In other words, each emotion corresponds to a specific frequency.
If the body receives the same frequencies as those emitted during a certain mood, it tends to align (sympathetic resonance), thus modifying its own function.
For example: if we send relaxing waves to a stressed mind, it will tend to relax.
Eusonica reproduces particular music, sounds and frequencies inside the entire human body, thus generating an inner dynamic sound stage and vectorial massage, resulting in unprecedented sensations and effects.
Sound, conceived in this way, transmits the frequency note to elementary particles which make up our body, by means of vibration. Our cells assume a different shape at each different frequency and by changing frequency-note we stimulate our cells to change, we encourage them to “exercise”. Therefore we can use f requency to “communicate” movements to our cells that are congenial to stimulation, relaxation, energisation, etc.
Treatments with Sound Vibration
Different types of results can be achieved with the use of specific sound frequencies. The most important of these is psychophysical well-being.
No Stress – Relax – Energica – Feel Happy
Music influences Chakras, energy centres of the human body, which act on a person’s organic and emotive functions. Music conceived according to these notions enables the emission of notes which have an effect on neurotransmitters, resulting in their reactivation or amplification.
No Stress Treatment
The No Stress track is characterised by the same rhythm as the pace of a relaxed human being (120 bpm), rendering the experience similar to a peaceful “walk” in natural surroundings. In the musical system, the fourth chakra (of the heart) corresponds to the note D. Thanks to its major key, this track develops a musical path in which each note is a step on a green meadow. Colour: green
Relax Treatment
In order to achieve healthy Relax and awareness of such a state, we need to find an energetic bond with something that is “profoundly” rooted within us, while also remaining connected to the “loftiness” of creative ideas. For the first chakra (located in the coccyx), the musical note of reference is F. We use the beneficial opening of the musical “fifth” which enables us to embrace natural expansion, leading us with equal naturalness to our primordial position. In this way we obtain physical and mental relaxation. Colour: red or brown
Energica Treatment
As though we were swimming in a sea of wave frequencies, the Energica track enables us to perform vigorous strokes which reinvigorate the mind-body system. Similar to swimming, which involves muscles and respiration, this track is characterised by musical movements (intervals) which enable our cells to perform ample, oxygenating strokes, thus bolstering their vigour. The chakra of reference is the one located in the throat. It is associated with the note A, renowned for its energy rousing properties. Colour: blue
Feelhappy Treatment
The musical note G is associated with the Sun in virtue of its musical qualities which express warmth, happiness and the joy of living present experiences to the full (“here and now”). Starting from G, proposed musical intervals “suggest” to our mind-body system to joyfully live and enable our cells to exercise by “jumping up and down out of joy on the spot”. The colour of the third chakra, connected to happiness, is yellow. It transforms negative experiences into positive ones. It is located in the diaphragm, just below the sternum, the place from which joyous laughter emerges. Colour: yellow
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Lounge en slaap nu ‘like a Boss’ in deze Power Nap Capsule. Tijd is geld dus deze efficiënte slaapcapsule is een must have voor elke gerespecteerde en hardwerkende Miljonair.
Inspired by NASA studies demonstrating that napping can improve reaction time by 16% and concentration by 34%, this is the power nap capsule that provides a spacious, semi-enclosed sleeping environment ideal for recharging the mind and body.
Inspired by NASA studies demonstrating that napping can improve reaction time by 16% and concentration by 34%, this is the power nap capsule that provides a spacious, semi-enclosed sleeping environment ideal for recharging the mind and body. Drawing on extensive physiotherapeutic research, the mattress’s undulated shape places your head and legs slightly above the lumbar region to relieve pressure on the back, encourage proper spinal alignment, improve circulation, and facilitate optimal relaxation. Made from supple calfskin leather and filled with 6″-thick cold foam, the mattress contours to the shape of your body and provides a soft yet supportive surface free of pressure points. The sleep surface is 12″ longer than a king size mattress, ensuring ample room for outstretched limbs. The frame and canopy create a personal, semi-enclosed napping space that can help you block out distracting sounds and sights. The frame is made from fiberglass-reinforced plastic and finished with a high-gloss varnish. 57″ H x 53″ W x 116″ L. (180 lbs.)

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Whole-body Photobiomodulation
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Human Regenerator – Rejuvenation, Anti-Aging, Prolongation of Life, Healing
Price: $ 557,000,
Since 2020 health, degeneration and well-being has become the most central role for each individual, but also for our society.
Since 2020 health, degeneration and well-being has moved into our focus to be the Basis for all being and doing.
This is exactly where the HUMAN REGENERATOR JET starts.
The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET is an electronic device that fights aging and
the consequences of degeneration.

Imagine a revolutionary interior object that improves your quality of life.
An interior object so unique, so spectacular & invaluable that will enrich your home & life.
We believe that effective home healthcare and anti-aging, will be the essential
part of our new lifestyle.
The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET is pioneering.
The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET allows the user to enjoy life in an unprecedented way.

The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET counteracts through it´s negative Ion Plasma the consequences of oxidative stress.
Oxidative stress is caused by natural cell division or by external influences such as harmful environmental factors, harmful food, inflammations, stress, infections or illnesses.
Oxidative stress is responsible for aging and the loss of vitality. It is also the cause
of many known diseases.
Oxidative stress causes free radicals which harm cells and DNA. Free radicals are incomplete, forming unpaired electrons, missing one electron.
This missing electron causes free radicals to become very aggressive constantly striving
to gather enough electrons.
Free radicals attack cells and even DNA in an attempt to take one electron from them. This process results oxidation, aging, diseases and degeneration.

The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET is a soft and purely physical method of generating specific negatively loaded Ion Plasma.
Energetically active negative Ion Plasma fields is inductively transmitting active electrons in the form of micro-currents. Providing reams of active electrons in a soft and responsive calibration, neutralizes free radicals and supports the process of regeneration.
You are invited to test the world`s one and only device that works against the consequences of oxidative stress, aging and degeneration.

The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET is a luxury, individual in order produced handmade product. The manufacturing is located near Oldenburg in Northwest Germany.
104 Individual components are formed by highly qualified engineers to one of the most spectacular products in the world. Expect a one-of-a kind service for a unique and luxury product.
A personal assistant is available to our clients for consultation, guidance and support.
Every device produced undergoes a production time of 5 months as well as 1 month of testing and this is a clear demonstration of our standards of quality. In the unlikely event of a defect, our engineer will travel anywhere in the world within a short period of time.

The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET is created for those who strive to achieve long periods of health and well-being for their families, enterprises and society.
The best investment of your life.
Made for Generations.

Only 300 HUMAN REGENERATOR JET will be produced and offered in 2021. The device will stay limited during the following years.
The HUMAN REGENERATOR JET can be purchased or also leased in the most countries in the world.
Please contact us for purchase or lease enquiries, test or more information at: or use the contact form for this purpose.
$ 25,200.00
SaunaBar introduces New Magnesphere
SaunaBar in Los Angeles is trying to find a new way to help its customers relax and get rid of their stress with the new Magnesphere.
Do you live in the Los Angeles area? If so, I’m pretty jealous of you because it’s still cold in the Midwest, but that’s something for another day. If you live in the L.A. area and are looking for a new experience, then you might want to check out SaunaBar.
In today’s age of constant engagement through social media and mobile technology, there are plenty of ways for people to feel stressed and exhausted. Because of this, SaunaBar is introducing a new service with their Magnesphere.
The concept of the Magnesphere is pretty simple. All you have to do is walk into one of the SaunaBar locations and ask for the Magnesphere treatment. You are then put into a comfortable chair that is surrounded by the setup, which you can see a picture of below.
Patients sit in the chair for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, the Magnesphere activates every nucleus of every cell in your body. Coupled copper coils create a magnetic field which harmonizes with your body. After a session, you’ll likely notice that your stress levels have dropped significantly, and you’ll have a much easier time going to sleep.
SaunaBar recommends taking three to six sessions in the first two weeks in order to get the full effect. If this sounds up your alley, then be sure to check out SaunaBar’sofficial website to get more information.
BEMER can be beneficial for almost everyone. A wide cross-section of the population including all age groups can reap the benefits:
- Improved supply and detoxification of organs and tissue
- Reduced consequences of stress
- Support in the healing of wounds & sports injuries
- Increased performance capacity & maximum training intensity
- Shorter regenerative periods during sports training
- Improved fitness & recovery from sports injuries
Each subsequent session re-calibrates the recipient’s current mood. CLAS Therapy will gradually bring a state of well being to the optimal level.
Color affects all living cells and can have a very profound and healing effect on mind and body. It can also affect a particular mood or state of mind. Everything on earth contains color and if the human system lacks a specific color, disease will occur. Also, if disruptions in circadian rhythms are present, sleep disturbances and depression often occur.
Colors will influence the flow and amount of energy in our bodies and chromotherapy is being utilized to restore balance. The secret is to know which color is needed to keep the body in a frequency that will keep the body in maximum health and harmony.
CLAS program will determine the primary color according to the answers from the questionnaire before the session. While relaxing in a comfortable chair in a darkened room, your client will experience beautiful personalized colors and nature while listening to synchronized bi-natural sounds & music. Predetermined aroma will also be added to to enhance a wonderful relaxing experience that will stay with her for days.
Music is an integral part of CLAS Therapy and has been used for thousands of years as a compliment to the natural healing process, to improve mood and mindset and even restore energy.
Sound is a very important tool for staying healthy. Sound has no boundaries, thus allowing it to penetrate every cell of the body; not only affecting the body but also the psyche.
Music also changes brain activity which can counteract stress, slow your heart rate and breathing, and help reverse the damaging effects of chronic stress. Significant other benefits of music therapy can be lowering blood pressure, boosting immunity and keeping depression and anxiety at bay.
Through the CLAS Therapy headset your client will hear bi-natural beats that will in conjunction with the beautiful colors, landscapes and aroma, help balance body and mind.
Aromatherapy is a natural and gentle way to treat physical and mental issues and can help reduce anxiety, reduce pain and enhance energy.
The aromas will be based on the seven chakra’s colors and will be selected for your client in accordance with his or her answers to the questionnaire before the CLAS session. For example, Geranium, is one of the aromas that is often selected reacting to red vibes, while Lavender is often used in conjunction with the blue vibes. The colors, music and aroma are all synchronized for an optimal session tailored specifically for your client’s needs.
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic Therapy is the process of “hearing sound vibrations through the body” by providing audio and tactile stimulation to the body and mind. Sound frequencies through headphones promote a meditative state or non-thinking while a second set of audio frequencies are directed towards the body, gently coaxing it into a relaxing and pleasurable state. This unique therapy of exercising the central nervous system may assist in reducing the client’s mental stress and physical tension.
Continual use of this therapy may reinforce new habits of learning to deal with stress in the moment. Overtime, one may become more proficient at shifting out of their inner defensive responses to mental anxiety without engaging in programmed patterns of the past. Healing takes place as you rest comfortably on a contoured massage recliner.
To learn more about this unique therapeutic therapy, or to book an appointment, please contact us.
Vibroacoustic Therapy is a unique combination of music and low frequency sound. It is the process of hearing sound vibrations through the body, directly through the nerves, skin and bones (not the ears).
The Vibroacoustic SMART System is a non-medical, full-body vibrational system. It provides audio and tactile stimulation to the mind and body via transducers imbedded in the table. This therapy delivers “natural stimulants” in a passive and non-evasive process that exercises the brain and central nervous system. It is a safe, simple and pleasant way to relieve a variety of symptoms.
Zero gravity positioning and full body vibration therapy have different influences on physiological processes within each individual’s body. Each session is designed for a specific outcome. Most music selections are 20-30 minutes long, to induce the relaxation response without causing the client to fall into a deep sleep. Each CD is adjustable to accommodate the client’s individual needs.
All sessions are composed specifically for use with the Vibroacoustic system with a mixture of tones, frequencies and binaural beats to stimulate the natural healing capabilities within the body. The audio component relaxes and quiets the mind and the binaural beats guide the brain into a meditative state
A Drug Free Approach to Treating:
- Anxiety
- Stress
- Insomnia
- Pain & Injury
Evidence-Based Research shows Vibroacoustic Therapy helps treat diseases such as:
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Dementia
- Alzheimer’s
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Neurological Disorders
- Back & Spinal Injury
- Arthritis
Vibroacoustic Therapy provides:
- Stimulation of cells
- Increased blood circulation
- Increased lymph drainage
- Improved stress resiliency and tolerance
- A decrease in blood pressure
- Increased serotonin thereby enhancing mood
- A decrease in pain & spasms in muscles & joints
- A decrease in muscle tension and headaches
Is Vibroacoustic Therapy Right for You?
Vibroacoustic Therapy is contraindicated for the following conditions:
Located within the 451 Dominion Ave, Midland 705.526.1757
- Acute Inflammatory Conditions
- Psychoses
- Hypotension
- Pregnancy
- Pacemakers
- Hemorrhaging or Active Bleeding
- Thrombosis

World’s No. 1 Provider of pain relief and relaxation devices, patented worldwide, NeuroSpa is the most advanced therapeutic device allowing one to reach complete state of mental and physical well-being. We offer a wide variety of residential products and develop apparels adapted for company, spa, hotels and health centers. Our mission is to allow everyone access a state of physical and mental well being. We work in tandem with the most renowned health centers as well as health professionals.
The most advanced wellness devices
We create the most advanced relaxation devices in the world. The positives effects for the health are comparable to nothing else… Our residential products provide convenience of any regular chair and all advantages of the most comfortable massage chairs. We also offer isolation booth for energizing, napping and resting adapted for company, spa, hotels and health professionals.
NeuroSpa is offered in more than 300 renamed spa’s, the prevention center of the Montreal Cardiologists Institute offer it as a stress prevention device to their 5000 members. Well known corporations (eg.: Google, Reebok, Ubisoft) offer it to their employees to relief pain, reduce stress and improve performance.
Positive effects for health
• Neutralizes stress and anxiety
• Improve sleep and eliminate fatigue
• Deeply relaxes the body
• Provides durable sense of well-being
• Stimulate blood circulation
• Regulate blood pressure
• Relieves chronic pain
• Reduce back pain
• Reduce neck pain
• Reduce arthritis pain
How does it work
Regular massage pads and massage chairs on the market use rotating knobs and vibrators simulating the action of kneading fingers working out muscle tension… This only causes superficial temporary stress relieve. Contrary to these vibrator massager, the NeuroSpa is used in most renamed spa centers, because it helps achieve a real state of wellness by releasing tension at a deeper level of the body. Positives effects are similar to osteopathy and full body massage therapy techniques. It is why many health professionals use our devices in combination with traditional treatments.
NeuroSpa use patented worldwide technology developed in laboratory in Quebec, Canada. Our relaxation devices help achieve mental wellness, relieve pain, reduce stress, and induce a relaxation state using multi-frequency acoustic vibration.
During a session; You sit comfortably and select your favorites modes, then soft sensations captivates you from the first minutes and stimulate gently all part of your body… After a short time, the acoustic frequency neutralize resistance and communicates directly with the nervous system which gradually replaces tensions caused by stress. The comforting sensations fills your whole body, leaving you in a comfortable state of peaceful tranquility. It’s a revitalizing experience that helps you be centered in the moment and give you a continuous warm feeling during normal daily activity.
The NeuroSpa allows achieving a temporary state of wellness in a few minutes (15-30 min.) and regular sessions allow the achievement of permanent mental and physical balance.